Accelerate coordinated work on global nutrition targets

Accelerate coordinated

Nutrition is the foundation of good health and wellbeing on an individual level. It also underpins the prosperity and sustainable development of societies. The World Health Assembly (WHA) defined six global nutrition targets to be achieved by 2025. In addition, nine voluntary targets were later established regarding the prevention and control of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), three of which are diet-related. With little over a year to go in the 2025 countdown, the existing data indicates that most of these targets will not be reached globally or at country level. 

Progress has been made towards some manifestations of undernutrition, such as stunting, but it has been too slow and there have been recent setbacks. The trends in other targets, especially under5 overweight and adult obesity, are concerning as those levels have been rising. Exclusive breastfeeding is the only target which is seemingly on track globally.

Approximately 1 in 3 women 15-49 years old is anaemic

(Global Nutrition Report)

to meet the global target

No country is on track to halt the rise in adult obesity

(Global Nutrition Report)

to meet the global target

~48% of infants 0-6 months old

are exclusively breastfed

to meet the global target

No single actor can address nutrition issues alone. Furthermore, time is running out! UN-Nutrition provides a platform for UN agencies to rally and accelerate coordinated work towards the WHA nutrition targets.

UN-Nutrition’s niche

Today’s interlocking crises have aggravated nutrition challenges even jeopardizing hard won nutrition gains made in previous years. UN-Nutrition has made it a priority to raise awareness about the status of these WHA nutrition targets, including what is at stake, as well as to step up coordinated action. The World Health Organization (WHO) is leading UN-Nutrition’s work in this priority area.




Connects UN experts working in different facets of nutrition towards the respective WHA nutrition targets to increase complementarity and minimize duplication of efforts; 


Highlights innovative approaches and country experiences in working towards WHA nutrition targets in its publications, communications and events so that others can benefit from them and replicate good practices; 


Mobilizes other UN agencies in alliances, coalitions, etc. that are working to address WHA nutrition targets, such as the Alliance for Anaemia Actions;


Facilitates joint UN efforts to compile/validate data and issue flagship reports with malnutrition estimates that are crucial for tracking progress, informing investments and supporting country-level nutrition action;  


Enables the UN System to speak with one voice in global, regional and country fora by working with Member Agencies to craft a common narrative on nutrition; 


Draws on the vast technical expertise across its membership to leverage the latest data and evidence in common messaging;


Brokers knowledge across Member Agencies to document good practices and distill critical success factors for achieving global nutrition targets; 


Provides technical assistance on robust metrics and methodologies for nutrition-related assessment, including process indicators, for consideration and monitoring post-2025;


Exercises thought leadership in aligning these global targets with the ultimate SDG target of zero malnutrition; and


Supports the implementation of N4G global and country commitments.