Nutrition Stakeholder and Action Mapping

The mapping tool, initially developed in partnership with the Boston Consulting Group, identifies which stakeholders are doing what, where and how in order to provide a comprehensive picture of geographic and population coverage. It galvanizes a range of actors (including the different SUN networks), generating qualitative and quantitative data on ‘core nutrition actions’ that are implemented through the health, food, education and social protection systems as well as those that foster women’s empowerment, resilience and good nutrition governance. This animates the multi-sectorality of nutrition and guides scale-up in an efficient manner.
To date, the mapping has been completed in 28 countries and various others are underway. See the Country Examples section below to learn more.
Using the mapping tool
Findings from the mapping exercise are used in a number of ways, such as:
To inform nutrition advocacy, including those activities that target government leadership and parliamentarians and those that aim to attract increased investment in nutrition.
To mobilize additional stakeholders and sectors in the nutrition arena in support of positive nutrition outcomes at the country level.
To guide nutrition planning, budgeting and prioritization exercises at both national and subnational levels, mindful of geographic areas and target groups with low intervention coverage, to maximize impact.
To track the implementation status of national nutrition plans and guide corrective action.
To strengthen nutrition information systems so that they include data on intervention coverage, and in turn, to support data-driven decision-making.
To modify stakeholder behaviour by encouraging data sharing across sectors and stakeholders to obtain the full picture of the nutrition situation in a given country.
To strengthen coordination capacity and data management skills of multi-stakeholder platforms (MSPs), which typically lead the mapping exercise, including at subnational levels.
To bridge national and subnational level workstreams by supporting increased communications and data flows.
As background information for country missions, conducted by UN colleagues and other development partners.
Country examples
Disclaimer: Since some of the above materials were developed prior to the establishment of UN-Nutrition, they reflect previous branding. The mapping tool is now supported by the UN-Nutrition Secretariat and is available upon request. For further information, please contact info@unnutrition.org.